Monday, January 28, 2008

Windsurf Sunday.

Here is the video that I promised. I'm sorry I didn't add any cool music or
edit it.
I'm tired dog, I work at a startup!


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Windsurf Sunday.

Here is the video that I promised. I'm sorry I didn't add any cool music or
edit it.
I'm tired dog, I work at a startup!


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Sunday, January 20, 2008

And God Said, "Let There Be Wind!"

And then there was wind.
Wouldn't you know it that I would try to go sailing on Saturday when there
was no wind and paddling on Sunday when there was too much wind.
(Bunty, too much for paddling not sailing.)

So I left my surfski on top of my car and grabbed my camera.
No doubt about it, I need to get a Nikon so I can capture the action

I'll post a video in a day or two.


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